/u/goodhumansbad describes how hearing loss leads to much darker things than just "ringing in the ears" or having to "turn things up"

People can get so annoyed if they have to repeat themselves on the phone. I really hate having to call strangers. I mean, my family and friends know about my hearing so they understand when I ask them to repeat themselves, but especially people who make a lot of phone calls tend to talk really quickly (because they are making the same type of phone call over and over) and then get annoyed when you don't respond to their question immediately. It is especially annoying with names. Unless someone has a really common first and last name, it is hard for me to recognise a name. My hearing is so bad that a large proportion of what someone says has to be reconstructed from context by my brain. This does not work on names. And it usually does not help to say the name five times in exactly the same tone, sometimes on the phone it really has to be spelled out for me, and some people get really annoyed by that. And in the past my mom as well, as I would be scared and tell her 'someone called' but could not tell her the name (just describe the topic they wanted to talk about). But some people just don't have patience on the phone.

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