u/mminnoww explains just how badly Marco Rubio self-destructed in the latest debate

I'm not sure if that's a totally accurate assessment. The Republican Primary electorate, in my view, breaks into 3 parts.

It's about 40% working class White nationalists. This is the Trump/Cruz/Carson contingent and which way they break depends on their level and types of religiosity. It's fairly obvious what these people want. It's rules to kick out the foreigners, clamp down on socially transgressive behavior, like homosexuality, and very hamfistedly "return" the country to the state of Beaver Cleaver Wonderland that they always wished it could be. They may disagree with which items should take priority, mostly as to whether America should be a White Christian nation or a White Christian nation, but that's the broad-strokes gist of it.

Then there is another 15% establishment plutocrats. These are the Richie Rich neocons who put Dubya into office. Their goal is that of the hardcore Conservative literati who work at the Heritage foundation and have ties to extractive industries and the military industrial complex. They want a candidate like Dubya, which is to say, an empty suit who can rally the base but leaves the details of policy making to their picked flunkies (as we saw with the Dick Cheney shadow-presidency).

Then there is the great mass of mushy right-leaning "independents." These folks are lower information voters and mostly just like having their taxes low and exercise that reflexive fear of pinkos that they've been conditioned into. They have mild affinities for one or more of the groups above, and will break for various candidates depending on which seems more electable and, therefore, capable of keeping their taxes low whilst not being a Democrat.

There is probably another 10% or so of libertarians, Rockefeller Republicans, and other types of right leaning independents too but, as evidenced by Rand Paul's inability to gain any traction, they seem to be less and less able to pull the party in their direction.

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