Unexpected pregnancy, so many questions.

Hey! A fellow 21-year old surprise mom here who had to look for work and is currently working on relocating across the country with her new husband (we got married in March!) I lost about 7 pounds in my first trimester because I suddenly craved fruit allll the time, on top of throwing up quite a bit and meat/greasy foods sounding absolutely revolting. So I naturally dropped pounds by just listening to my body and dealing with nausea.

I used to work as a driver for a food delivery company, but had to quit due to driving making me dizzy and the smell of greasy food making me sick. I got an office job that I'm starting in a couple days that should be a bit easier, the pay is also higher so yay! For work, if you can, look for a place that won't have you on your feet constantly and around unpleasant stimuli (loud music/smells ect.,) Especially if you get super nauseous, being in a bland/boring environment is better than being around things that will trigger sickness.

We're relocating from West Virginia (where his family is) to California, where my family is. We're dealing with the problem of telling his parents because of a similar problem, they don't view my husband as truly independent. We're delaying telling them until 60 days before the move because we want to have as little time as possible (while being fair in giving them notice) to deal with any guilt trips/awkwardness/tension. It'll be rough and they ARE going to ask overly personal questions about your finances and what you're going to do with the future, just remember, your parents are not entitled to any information and you are adults. You can explain things to them as a kindness and out of respect for them as parents but it's important to present yourselves as independent adults who don't have to answer to anyone. I'm concerned about this coming conversation with them because my husband respects his parents so much he's very much intimidated by them.

We couldn't afford a prenatal appointment but I bought prenatal vitamins and tried to take care of myself as best I could (I'm young and low risk for everything,) now that we have the funds for an appointment no women's center will get back to me and hospitals refuse to schedule one prenatal appointment until I hear back about getting aid for hospital bills, even though it would have been just one appointment for a basic prenatal check-up and I could pay with cash. The area we live in is a very small town in WV and my options are extremely limited unless I want to drive 3 hours to my appointments, and our little car in Winter won't fare well from that. I found a pregnancy care center a couple cities away (even that was 2 1/2 hours away) and they provided an ultrasound and basic appointment for free so we found out a few days ago everything looks great. If you're on a budget or things are extremely tight as they were for us, you can Google pregnancy care/crisis centers nearby and even if you're married/healthy/safe they'll still be happy to see you and calm your nerves, most centers offer services for free and the gals I saw were just concerned with my safety and peace of mind.

Also, if you feel like you have no idea what you're doing/what's going on, that feeling hasn't gone away for me. You just need to play it by ear, and remember that you have people around you who love you, and who will no doubt love your little one. And there's nothing like suddenly feeling that first kick and realizing it's all very real, I was afraid because this was not planned at all, but once I saw her on the ultrasound I fell madly in love, I wasn't expecting that sort of rush.

Best of luck my friend, I send hugs and happy thoughts. :)

/r/BabyBumps Thread