Universal Pictures and China-based, multi-media enterprise, Perfect World Pictures today announced that the companies have entered into multi-year financing agreement, which includes films across the entire Universal slate.

In an open war? No. There are no countries in the world right now that: 1. have the capability to remotely invade the U.S. and 2. have a logical reason to do so. In the 80's, the Soviets at least met both those criteria, though an actual invasion was still extremely unlikely. Currently, no one, not even China, matches that criteria (and funny enough, Russia is probably the closest to meeting it).

The reason for that? The Chinese naval and air forces are currently focused on local dominance, i.e., they're primarily looking to project power across East Asia, which they can do. They have boats that can get to America, but not enough to feasibly stand up to even the pacific arm of the US Navy, let alone land any invasion force ala Red Dawn. Then you'd need a rationale for doing so. In the OG version, the Soviet Union was diametrically opposed to the U.S., and had good reason to war with them if tensions came to a row.

China? Pretty much no reason to even agitate the U.S. beyond mere annoyance. Their economy (thus the livelihood of their citizens) is so interdependent on the western world that agitating the dominant western power would cause a collapse unseen in human times. Pretty much every aggressive move China's made lately has been basically a show of force to assert China's power and role at the world stage, and the closest thing they've made to a land grab in the last decade or two is on some uninhabited islands currently claimed by Japan.

So really, when it comes to it, neither the Chinese nor the DPRK have the power nor capability to invade America when compared to the Soviet threat in the 80s (and even then it was super unlikely). Comparatively between the DPRK and China, the latter is far more aggressive and far more likely to war with the U.S. but just like China and the rest of the world, their ability to actually invade the U.S. is all but impossible. Red Dawn remade with North Koreans would be feasible however, if the setting was in Korea/Japan/Taiwan or maybe even the American islands in the vicinity. But again, no nation in the world have the means nor motive to invade America so unless the setting is changed, it's all unrealistic.

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