Unlike CS:GO, League of Legends doesnt need viewbots

There's a huge number of variables that makes the game in general already incredibly stale in the pro-scene, riot removed the scaling incentive to go for kills (even Kill Bounties give no scaling gold, only 90 global gold if the enemy has more than 5 kills), while also making harder to towerdive someone with the increase tower damage, this incentives slow objective focus play. And in the end there's no real opportunities for High Risk - High Reward, since the only High Rewards right now like I said, involve getting towers and objectives, which you can get by slowly and painfully pushing the enemy away from them with tanks and siege comps, and this has been like this for years, but while Koreans pretty much just keep doing this shit, NA appears to every single year forget how to play the fucking game.

Reinforced their idea of an objective focoused meta in a number of ways, so how teams play the game right now is the only viable way:

From an NA LCS production side, the analyst desk is fucking useless and keep repeating the same stats and same information over and over again (which to be fair when you have to "analyse" those paint-by-numbers games which no diversity, there's not much you can talk about), and the shoutcasters repetitly overhype matches ("Oh look they are 2-1 at 30 minutes THE MACRO PLAY IS INSANNNE!" ...Fuck Off Phreak ).

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