Unpopular opinion: I like DynamicQ and im a solo player

the whole concept of a "true skill indicator" in 5v5 RANDOM TEAM ladder is somewhat absurd. i wish more moba players had prior experience with other genres in pvp gaming to give them some perspective. they don't see the inherent flaws with random team because league is the only ranked pvp game they've ever played, and in LoL, random team is more or less the only option

in warcraft 3, sc2 and any other game you might think of, 4v4 random team was the least respected gametype. 4v4 RT massers were seen as casuals with good reason

in 4s RT, your contribution to the game (1/4) is much lower than 1v1 or 2v2. you could win games that you sucked in and lose games that you played well in. strategy in general is very dumbed down in random teams to the least common denominator that any group of randomly assembled players can manage. teamwork is very hindered by the lack of voice communication whereas arranged teams were always in voice chat together

generally speaking, a 4s Arranged Team would mop the floor with 4 random team players 9 times out of 10.

tell me this isn't the case in league. in random team, we never see the kind of advanced macro play that is present in pro games, even at the challenger level. people don't build team comps, they pick whatever they had in mind before they even queued up. ban strategy boils down to the least common denominator "ban the OPs". there's no voice chat. solo q players rage at each other. they leave lanes out to dry or try to steal buffs from each other. this is at every level of the ranked ladder.

ultimately solo q is a fun way to play the game and is by far the most convenient. it makes sense to have a solo q ladder. but people take it way too seriously

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