unsolicited analysis of zach as a 24 year old ladyyyyy

If you can sum it up with 1 line next time write only that one instead of this verbose nonsense.

I think the fact you're a woman is irrelevant to the discussion, if you watched the episode you should know most people do not feel the same way you do, women included. They are not less women than you, than why they do not care about it and instead they just have fun?

I believe that the real problem is that YOU feel sore about the way Zac makes specific jokes for some reason which to be honest is ridiculous as he is not even making fun of anyone he is instead exposing himself to people and you're still getting annoyed by it.

You're telling him how to be as a person, speculating on a random hypothetical past life and relationship just because you're "uncomfy" about random jokes not even referred to you?

I think you have to work on this not him.

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