Black women

As an African American, when I date white men their parents don't look down on me for not being "white" or having dark skin.

Thats just your experience though. I've had many talks with parent's of my white exes in regards to finance, accounting, computer problems. Going to meet her parents, I basically felt like I was just the IT guy, or felt like a finance professional because I guess all Asians are supposed to be good with numbers and tech. I broke up with her obviously afterwards. Meeting them felt like going to another job.

White people really don't care about skin tone when it comes to dating.

I have to call bs on that. Everything boils down to race regarding dating whether you like it or not. If WFs want their Michael B Jordan, or athlete, then they'll have preferences for black guys, if they're fans of BTS or korean dramas, then they'll have preferences for asian guys.

Why are black men and asian men giving white women power? That's the real issue

However I find that the Asian community has an extreme bias against anything that looks non-white or non-East Asian. This bias is prevalent throughout the entire Asian community.

Not really. It goes both ways. The black community literally has its biases against asians and non-africans as well. Asians can't even live their lives as normal functioning members of society without being labeled as a "model minority". White men created the label to pit minorities against each other and everyone use it as an excuse to label asians as "wannabe whites".

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