Upcoming 200 Mil event??

I see no reason why that isn't possible;

1) The last time JP had Dokkan Fest Ticket banner was during100 Mil event and 200 Mil is double that number/another huge milestone, so I see no reason why they wouldn't do this again.

2) They only put all the Dokkan Fest characters as featured banner card, meaning even if LRs are in the summon pool, there's still very very low(impossible) chance to pull them, because there are lots of Rs,SRs and SSR cards at this point and I'm pretty sure that they going add some more before 200Mil.

3) Tickets are limited and it's not guaranteed SSR ticket; You'd have to spend lots of stones(50) to even get 1 ticket. And that 1 ticket might net you a beautiful R Nail to your collection. And how do you get more stones, if you've already completed the story mode on every difficulty level; BUY stones.

  1. They made ticket banner summonable with stones after period of time. Think from this point of view; They made ticket banner to encourage you to summon on DS banner later on. I think it's very good business strategy for them to get more people to summon. For example; you very few Dokkan Fest/God lead units and you managed to pull few of them from the Ticket banner --> It makes you believe that you can pull few more if you spend a LITTLE money on stones. And that little money can turn into thousands of $/€/£
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