[Update] One Month Ketoversary, advice appreciated

Yes, that's your first mistake. By your stats, I am an apple! You need to compare yourself to me, not them! :):)

So you lost 2lb? Yay! Did you have any idea how hard it is to lose 2lb of fat at 125lb before starting keto? Because it is HARD. All the obese people who make it to a normal weight have told me that the last 10lb was also much harder for them than the 100lb before that. It's just how it is. I'm around 125 too right now and I'm not expecting to see 123 until April, to tell you the truth. If I do manage 123 by 4/1, it will still be a much faster weight loss than I've achieved like... My whole life (pre-keto). I wish I was kidding you :)

why am I needing even more sleep than I used to get (7.25 hrs a night to 8+)?

Same, I also feel like I need more sleep. But I feel much less sleepy during the day, once I make it out of the bed and until about an hour before my bedtime. That's more than I can say for my previous life full of sugar highs and crashes.

From your food example and description of hunger, here is your problem, based on my experience (because I've gone through similar things). I'm going to sound "mean" here to make the text more succinct but understand that these may or may not actually help you:

  1. You are taking way too many liquid calories. Ditch all the fat you drink in coffee/broth. Those fats can keep many full once keto-adapted but doesn't sound like you're at a stage where you can be satisfied with liquid calories. Only do this stuff after you no longer feel hungry regularly.

  2. That does not sound like you are eating remotely enough protein, especially given that you exercise. You need to add a lot more protein to every meal, including breakfast and snacks, if you have them.

  3. Speaking of snacks, stop them. ALL of them. I'm not kidding. You want to snack because you're hungry? Okay cool have another MEAL. As in eat some dense protein and vegetables in fat. Again, don't do this snacking business until after you adapt completely and don't feel hungry (I promise you this no hunger thing is real)

  4. I love Lyle and all but MCT is most definitely not necessary at your BF% and exercise levels and you don't need to fast either. Again, do the fasting after you can sustain a normal eating day. IF is not the next logical step. Don't do it right now.

  5. That nighttime thing is not hunger, sorry. It's habit. You will never move forward until you recognize and consciously decide to change this. Again, until you don't feel hungry, you can recognize that you just want a snack despite not being hungry, ZERO tolerance. Don't have a single bite. The first few days will be torture but before you know it you will stop wanting them.

  6. If you're TRULY hungry at night, again, just eat REAL food (chicken, vegetables, eggs) until you're not hungry anymore. It's 100% okay even if you overeat for a few days to get to the point where hunger is no longer an issue, because once that happens it will be much easier to keep your eating and snack-desiring-brain in check (and you will wonder how you could possibly have eaten so much because you're actually full and satisfied now)

Since it's so rare to find someone so close to my stats I figured I might as well try to help you :) Again, you can feel free to compare yourself to me, but know that the actually overweight people are in a far, far different world than us and things won't work the same way.

/r/keto Thread