USA has to annex the Vatican.

Well that's also bullshit because if you had actually read that article you posted you'd know it goes into zero detail on how well they are trained.

I had read the article... I know it didn't talk about training.... In detail that is... If you had read it, you would have noticed that it mentioned that they are extremely well trained with their weaponry. If you want to go look up their training, you can. They are extremely well trained and you really can't prove otherwise.

And considering none of them have ever fought an army or seen any real action.

none of them.... Huh..... Well now you just sound silly.... They have fought plenty of times. Just go look at a damn history book. They have a really great reputation for being extremely effective.

No. You claimed the swiss guard were capable of holding off the US army. An army consisting of "only about 110 to 125 soldiers and officers serving at any given time" according to your article. So you don't get to claim this was about one soldier vs soldier this entire time.

I specifically said:

"Swiss Guard >>> Us Army"

You then asked:

"Are you being serious?"

So then I replied:

"I'll be more specific..."

"Swiss Guard Soldier >>> US Army Soldier"

Jeez read much?

It's funny. It's almost as if you think doing something like that won't also have devastating repercussions on Europe as well. Also europe wouldn't do that. Economy is more important that religion.

Really? Then how come we still have religion holding us back and getting in the way of laws? Hmm? And yes, they really would if the US had invaded and used military force.

I do know that there would be devastating repercussions on Europe. However, they can still trade with the rest of the world and therefore can find a currency that is intrinsically worth something. It would take time, and there would be serious problems, but they can pull it off. Meanwhile, the US would NEVER recover from a blow such as that. Without being able to trade with the nations whom are more Catholic or Christian, so South America in areas and also EU, the US would be dealt an even more devastating blow. It's funny that you think the US can pull this off without suffering at all.

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