A useful BIFL which you can still buy today. Herman Miller Aeron chair, 15 years of near daily use by a 200-lb guy and it still works like new. Never had an issue with any of it. Gorgeous, too.

Some advice on buying an Aeron for people who are interested in one: ignore HM's height/weight chart that tells you which size chair you should get, and try them out in person instead.

I just made the cutoff for the type B or C range, and I got the B. It was slightly too tall for me. My heels couldn't touch the ground with it at its lowest setting when my back was completely against the chair. I never would have guessed that I should get the type A chair based on their chart, and I was honestly pretty salty over how wrong it was. Luckily I got it for very cheap and will probably flip it.

/r/BuyItForLife Thread Link - imgur.com