Users are reporting 2 hour battery life difference between Samsung/TSMC A9 processors in their new iPhone 6s

Act like a grown up for once in your life and be a little bit more mature

Haha, what? lmao you don't even know me. "For once in your life" is not an applicable phrase to use with strangers.

I'm just not going to sit here and pretend Apple is perfect when I see serious flaws with some of their products

Nobodies asking you to pretend. You're not pretending in the least. Listing off every controversy doesn't make your argument stronger, it makes it weaker. Because what happens with Apple controversies is that flaws affecting some users get turned into "FLAW AFFECTING EVERY USER" by the media. So while some iPhone 6 models had a bending issue, the vast vast majority didn't. And while some iPhone 4 models had antenna issues, the vast vast majority didn't. When you make 200 million of something in a year some of them will have issues. My problem with your line of thought is that you can't see the very obvious benefits to the media in making a mountain out of a molehill. Take the iPhone 6 "bendgate" thing last year. The guy who posted the first videos got something like 100 million views. That's how much attention anything involving Apple can draw and there are very good reasons to exploit that for financial gain. You think I'm saying that there have never been problems with any iPhones . Of course I'm not. I'm saying that your comments are hyperbolic because they not only ignore the context within which the iPhone is judged vs its competitors, it also assumes that what's true for a small minority of users is true for everyone. With 99% user satisfaction levels that is, of course, not true.

I would be pissed as hell if I just spent $750+tax on an iPhone 6S 64GIG and I got 2 hours of battery life less than what I should be getting

Great. Good for you. But you don't own one and have no experience with one. And you're going off on a mad spiel, down voting and responding to dozens of comments like a child over a "controversy" that has barely been picked up on yet and is based on a tiny sample of users so far. Your response is over the top and premature.

I don't own a samsung phone and if I was going to get an android based phone, it most likely wouldn't be a samsung. Even if it was, I would remove all the bloatware.

Great. Your Nobel Prize is in the post.

Now can we please stop responding to each other because I don't and will never agree with your line of thinking and I'm not in the mood to keep arguing with you, angry Reddit stranger.

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