Please Apple…add USB 3.1 speeds and easier file/photo transferring methods (without using iTunes/proprietary apps)

No, apple is going to throttle charging to 20w at least that’s the rumor going around . And data transfer speeds won’t be up to par.

Apple is the best at selling less than top tier, but marketing it as top tier lol.

$1,500 for a phone that has USB 2.0 and people say it is better than android. Charging is so much faster…. But iPhone is better. Literally everything could be better than apple and people will still find a way to buy its overpriced products because apple markets so much better , that’s all.

Faster charging and data transfer speeds for over a decade … but iPhone is better … The camera though… that camera… Wow the colors… it just works BS .

I own an iPhone because in USA , try finding a date or doing anything with green bubbles. Sadly apple fucking ruined communications because if you have a green bubble you are “peasant” .

/r/iphone Thread