Using Alcohol to fight SA

I think in most social events others are drunk too, both man and woman. Like others said, just don't be very drunk where you can't walk .

Pot is interesting, but its dangerous for people with social problems and depressed like us . In short term is great, you smile, you have fun, you see things from diferent point of view, it is really cool, I think everyone should try few times - the 1st time isn't that great, your body still doens't understand. 2nd , 3rd and others are very fun.

But not more than that. Its so easy for people who stay too much inside your house to became 100% isolated after start smoking too much pot . its fun, you don't need anything, you are confortable at your home, you have pot, you can dream about doing whatever you want, go to the kitchen get ice cream feels like a mission, the ice cream its the best in the world, and whatever its on tv will be really fun and you will think its the best tv show ever .

I wasted many years smoking pot. I recommend you smoke a little, but not everyday .

/r/ForeverAlone Thread Parent