Vaush is starting to get annoying

Wait, what “gotcha” could conservative states try to pull? How would someone not get equal access to resources if conservative states don’t recognize someone’s gender pronouns? Are you talking about say, a trans woman MMA fighter being barred from cracking a biological woman’s skull in the ring since biological males have much higher bone density, a trans woman swimmer being barred from smoking biological women in a race since men have longer arms and more broad and muscular shoulders? Or maybe a male rapist who decides to announces he’s a woman so he can get sent to a woman’s prison where he goes on to rape woman inside the prison? What equal access to resources are you referring to?

And yes, she’s a staff writer for the New Yorker. She wrote an opinion piece for the Atlantic.

Emma Green is an American journalist and writer for The New Yorker.

And you call me an “embarrassment”. You’re the one in a cult, lol.

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