Venting about my first cat adoption experience

I don't hate cats, I do feel love for mine. But I too can't live with a cat. I've had him for 3 weeks now and I don't want to continue, for more than absolutely necessary. I miss having my curtains hanging freely, my plants in their regular spots and no tiny granular stones on my floor etc. He's cute but he demands the place as his own, as if me and my stuff becomes secondary and I'm not ready for that. I've counted the hours where I actually sit with him in peace and pet him and it's nothing vs. all the time he races around like a maniac, crawls up the curtains, throws litter on the floor (even though he is very clean) and just acts so violent in play, that I'm tired of him. Also his stares, even when he does it in affection, annoys me because I can sense the wild in him so much that I feel that I have to adapt so much rather than him having to. I hate when he gets the crazies and starts charging at me, for fun. Not fun. Also hate the way he wrecks our furniture and stuff, so I'm not convinced. I do respect him, think he's beautiful and mysterious, but not a match for me. I couldn't get a better cat than him, he doesn't miauw etc., so I don't think I'm supposed to have a cat.

/r/ifuckinghatecats Thread