[Video] Let's Play Horizon Zero Dawn - Kinda Funny Plays

This is how I've started to feel. Tim really grinded on me at first but he's the only one I like now. He gets excited about the medium but isn't afraid to call a spade a spade, like with the Switch.

Colin always seems to have a chip on his shoulder, like he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. Maybe I'm being too harsh. Every now and then, he'll make some very salient points but some of his political stuff makes him come off as a hypocrite. I remember him making a valid point about how we shouldn't generalize Trump voters as racist Nazis, but just months earlier, he was calling Sanders voters lazy college kids looking for a handout. I find it had to take him seriously when he doesn't always walk the walk. Greg's always been obnoxious but I respect the passion even he's a bit much at times, like the friend who you enjoy being around in short doses but annoys you over a long period of time.

I think ultimately with these YouTube people, you're never going to fully like someone unless their taste matches yours or their demeanor is similar to that of a close friend. Partly why I avoid people like Jim Sterling like the plague.

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