Visiting LA in 2022 starterpack

Prop 47 is an example:

Where did the homeless come from?

Prop 47 is a big one. This decriminalized possession of controlled substances (ie: meth) and petty theft (theft valued at <$950) from felonies to misdemeanor citations. Many of the homeless are drug users who once lived away from society in jail/prison until they get arrested and housed in correctional facilities again, however since Prop 47 was passed, they are released back into the public. The homeless had housing, food, and medical services in correctional facilities. Combine that with CA Governor Newsom/ District Attorney Gascon (openly leftist/liberal government officials), who are openly for the release of inmates. These two also decriminalized non violent felonies, such as stealing vehicles, illegal possession of firearms, and possession of narcotics for sale to citation and releases.

Build more housing for them?

Section 8 housing (homes for low income /homeless) policies in LA guarantee a number of houses be dedicated for Section 8. These programs don’t work because the homeless (specifically drug users) violate the terms and conditions of Section 8 housing by using drugs and get kicked out. There’s 1800 Section 8 apartments in Santa Monica alone, many still available, including beach front, yet Santa Monica is packed with homeless people.

In conclusion…

Most homeless aren’t victims to society, some are genuine people down on their luck or are legitimately mentally ill, but mostly are criminals/tweakers. How can you tell them apart? Try offering food to a homeless dude begging for money, if they turn it down, it’s for drugs. If they say some crazy nonsense, they either fried their brains or are legitimately mentally insane. Nobody forced them to use drugs or not work, every restaurant in LA has a help wanted sign and many are low staffed. It’s very disheartening to see new policies, like Reinvent LA, pass because we all want to help them. We all want them of our streets. But how do you help people who don’t want to help themselves. Some of these people are willing to sell their own mothers coochie for another teenth of meth. You can’t just throw money, housing, or services at them, it doesn’t work that way. How is it fair as a hard working, tax paying citizen of LA, like myself and many others, should pay via small tax increases for these people who don’t pull their own weight in society (in fact, bring it down via criminal activity). These policies do help some people who really need it, but clearly it’s not working the way we want it to.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Apologies for any formatting errors, I’m on mobile.

Source: am LA resident

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