Ethics class is making me uncomfortable even though I don't particularly like kids...

Euthanasia? Letting babies with Down's Syndrome and congenital defects die to avoid responsibility. There is a difference between Euthanasia and letting someone die. Euthanasia is supposed to be a way to end a life with dignity and without pain. Letting babies die is what we do when we look at a starving child from a different country, or allow someone to not get medical treatment for a child due to a religious reason, or simply don't notice when someone neglects a child to death. Two different things.

*Is it murder to see a child drowning and not save them? * Well, that seems to imply that you are in a position to save a child and choose not to. Look at your Starbucks, Look at your car, Look at how many pairs of shoes you own. That money could have been spent on food and medical care that would prevent a child from dying, but instead we went for the pumpkin spice latte. Every day every one of us knows a child is dying, and we say "not important enough for me to bother with," and then we go and buy cookies.

Stranding infants/young children to die to save the village is something that this country (the USA) is talking about right now - if you take the angle of children out of it. Some people want National Healthcare for everyone. Some people say that would break the country, so if you don't have health insurance, tough luck. Go die.

Respecting culture difference? You have to have some respect for cultural differences to understand where someone is coming from. Most of us here are doing something different by choosing not to have children. Openly supporting abortion is still something that is iffy in our culture.

Killing female babies? I think it is terrible. I wish that people who were going to kill a baby had the option to abort before the baby was even born. If the female is going to be born unwanted and sent into a life of abuse or sexual slavery, then yes, I think there is a problem with the culture and the parents, but I think it is better for a child to die young and without pain, than to suffer and die a horrible death.

The real ethical question is that when read about these commonplace examples and realize that there are more children than there are people who have the desire and resources to raise them, what does it say about you that you are choosing to not save that drowning child and instead spend your resources on making ANOTHER child that has the DNA/ethnicity/ and can be raised in the religious background of your choice.

When faced with difficult ethical decisions, flip it around, enjoy the discussion, and realize that you will piss people off enough that they will leave you alone so that you can enjoy your pumpkin spice latte in peace. I know I don't make friends because I think that suffering and abuse are worse than death, and not everyone agrees.

/r/childfree Thread