I wanna have a discussion with veg* anarchists (other political beliefs welcome too ofc!) about animal liberation and speciesism

I agree with most of what you say here, but wanted to raise a few small issues.

Consumer choices make no difference

That's... just not true. There would be no industry for a certain product if there was no demand for it. Even taking into account the indirect effects you mention with brands like Alpro, it doesn't change the fact that there is a choice, and one is obviously worse than the other (supporting more exploitation and abuse versus less). One can argue about the efficiency of consumerism to end animal exploitation on its own, I for one don't see it as effective in that regard, but that has no bearing on ethics of the choice, and the ethical choice often has positive and synergetic effects on the animal liberation environment as a whole, creating spaces and examples of exploitation-free struggle.

We are always going to assign different values to animals from other species: We're not going to give dogs the right to vote in general assemblies are we? There are basic fundamental rights that should be awarded to all species and all forms of life should be given equal consideration but to say that any sort of difference between humans and non-humans should be abolished is, in my opinion, absurd.

This is an incorrect representation of what speciesism means though. Speciesism is about assigning values solely on the basis of species membership. Imagine for a second it hurts a cow as much to be pinched as it hurts a human. If we, based on this and all else equal, still assign more meaning to the "hurtfulness" of pinching a human, then that is speciesist. The opposite to speciesism is simply treating sentient beings according to their attributes, not based on a presupposed, anthropocentric and biased view which values human attributes higher because they are human, not due to intrinsic properties of those attributes. However, it doesn't make sense to let dogs vote or to expect them to make other choices of that type, because in that sense they are not like us. That's not speciesist, because it is based on actual attributes of the species.

/r/DebateAnarchism Thread