Here's what League of Legends Website Looked Like 5 years ago.

Ezreal was born with the gift of magic flowing through his veins. However, Ezreal was also born with a much stronger sense of wanderlust. Though enrolled in Piltover's most acclaimed school for skilled young techmaturgists, Ezreal quickly became bored with magical studies. By the time the boy genius was eight years old, he had fully mapped out the underground tunnels of Piltover. The quality of his work was so remarkable that the government of Piltover purchased his maps and commissioned his services as the city-state's Master Pathfinder. This sealed the deal for Ezreal's true calling – he would eschew the arcane arts in favor of archaeology. Since then, countless adventures of his have been romanticized and published.

One of Ezreal's more recent adventures brought him face-to-face with his other legacy – his latent magical power. While exploring the pyramids of the Shurima Desert, Ezreal uncovered an amulet of inestimable power. He barely managed to extract it from its sandy abode due to its sheer magnitude (it was made for a being easily twice Ezreal’s size). After fervent investigation, he found that it allowed the wielder to control and shape magical energy – provided there was a source of magic nearby. This permitted Ezreal to tap into his latent magical abilities without having to put any serious effort into it – a “big win”, as the young prodigy notes. The lingering drawback is that, for some unknown reason, the amulet is highly attuned to summoning magic. This means that without warning, Ezreal may find himself acting as a champion for, as he puts it, “a summoner hell-bent on resolving some irrelevant world-shattering League conflict.” Still, Ezreal feels that being summoned to a Field of Justice on occasion is a small price to pay for his prized artifact.

“There’s little time to study ancient, musty tomes when you’re busy trying to find them.” -Ezreal


The intrepid young adventurer Ezreal has explored some of the most remote and abandoned locations on Runeterra. During an expedition to the buried ruins of ancient Shurima, he recovered an amulet of incredible mystical power. Likely constructed to be worn by one of the Ascended, the enormous talisman nonetheless fit snugly upon his arm, amplifying his raw sorcerous skill to such an extent that he's gained the reputation of a hero, much to his embarrassment.

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