Be warned, Institutional Wealth is now infiltrating our message boards and they aren’t giving up without a fight.

I would any institution that exists in the category of wealth has never been open to other people joining that group. They have no problems whatsoever with you helping “them” achieve it, but the moment you start affecting their wealth and increase your own you are no longer welcome. Point and case, when a financial group shorts a stock and makes massive amounts of money, no one freaks out or is shocked that is simply what they do. The moment anyone outside that group started to do the same it became from Page news and trading was halted.

When bankers in the U.S. allowed people to short bonds on the housing market, do you think they would have allowed it if they thought for a moment the American People were bailed out and the bankers would lose their homes and jobs, I think not.

This isn’t an angry rant just a very simple observation I see daily on the news, social media and is even a common theme in movies based on a true story.

So hell yeah, make some money and keep it up but everyone has to play by the same rules not just the ones that benefit the few.

/r/RobinHoodPennyStocks Thread Link -