Watch your step!

But the bigger question is who cares? I'm trying to think of scenario in which it would matter... I guess maybe if people know your username or something?

So if you're on a username to username basis only, I could understand how you wouldn't want someone to assume you're fat, if they know you, but have never seen you.

But assuming you don't interact with anyone regularly on here, I don't understand why it'd matter... It's not like anyone would even say "you're fat" and if they did, and you're not actually fat, and you don't interact with anyone on here regularly, why would you care?

So if you don't specify the height, you leave yourself open to criticism... And if its from someone who hasn't met you, or seen you, and will most likely never think about you after this thread...

why would you care if you're not fat? Why would you care enought to specify that you're not fat? You know what I mean? If you're not fat, and you get called fat... it's not hurtful.

If you are fat, and you get called fat, that could be hurtful. So the fat guy has the most motivation to specify that he;s not fat.

I'm sure there's a super obvious reason that I can't figure out, because I'm high. Or stupid. Or both.

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