
Stalling out, feeling weak. Starting to feel really tired again. Possible stewing relationship issues. One of the cats got his eyeball scratched when they were playing so the last day or so it's been oozing pus and crusting shut. Poor guy. Keeping it as clean as I can with a warm, moist cloth, but if it's worse tomorrow the vet says to bring him in.

Almost wrote a letter to my program head about the recent changes. I'll try be short. In 2005 I took a Psych and English class at the university. The credits didn't transfer over to this program. I took the required psych class last semester, and one of the recent changes is it's no longer required. Bummer. Lots of time and money spent on that. Instead, they replaced it with an intro English class, and a LOT of the material is literally the exact same as the first half of the Workplace Communication course I took last semester. Adding insult to injury there, but this English class is mandatory because "there's a lot of writing in Year 2".

The more I skimmed the English class, the more I realized it wouldn't be such a bad thing to really dig in and try improve my writing. I know my grammar is fine for the most part, but when it comes to presenting an argument or summarizing or taking critical points from what I'm reading, there's always room for improvement. So after being pissy all day yesterday about that, I felt like an idiot for getting so worked up.

Now I'm just tired today, irritated with coworkers, the bf is dealing with some family shit that I just don't have time to be a part of, though I really do empathize, and I'm just completely unhappy today. I'm really trying, but I'm almost at the point of turning my phone off from the time I leave for work until I come home from studying at night. I just want to do my work, improve, not be distracted, just be better ffs, without there always being somebody breathing down my back.

Sorry for the rant. The next couple years just keep looking more and more uncertain in addition to the daily grind of just getting through everything.

/r/Weakpots Thread Link - i.imgur.com