Why the wealthiest Americans should prepare for ‘a revolt against the unprecedented inequality’

/We do not have labor camps.

Yes we do. Prison population (highest percentage in the world, comparable to USSR at height of gulag system) is hired out as slave labor. Migrant population's are formally criminalized so they can be informally exploited.

/We are not occupying and enforcing our laws in the land of neighboring countries.

Not neighboring countries exactly, but we've actively meddled in countless elections and conflicts across the world and are running multiple wars and occupations globally. The fact that Canada got off lightly isn't really the issue here.

/Our poverty in the US is not even close to what the USSR saw, that distinction is important.

Walking past rows of homeless and sprawling encampments in every major american city, I'm not so sure about that.

/We are not prosecuting/killing anyone who speaks out on the government. We are not deploying military force on citizens who are acting peacefully.

Lol. Tell that to Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, black people, protesters, etc. I have seen an insane amount of police brutality firsthand. I personally successfully sued the cops for battery and saw a lot of federal troop deployment against protesters.

/Do you know what Americas problem is? A complete lack of perspective on how the rest of the world lives.

Loool that and a complete refusal to acknowledge our role in creating those living standards. The list of American coups in South America alone. The wars, the drone strikes. America is a global empire. The problem is not that we don't realize how good we have it in the imperial core.

/Even the bottom .01% of Americans, the absolute poorest of the poor in the US, live SIGNIFICANTLY better than an average person in say, Nicaragua. In Nicaragua you're considered rich if you have access to clean water, modern toilets, shelter, or schools. People in Nicaragua are more likely to die from kidney disease, due to unclean water, than they are to graduate from high school.

Why is Nicaragua in bad shape exactly? Couldn't be American occupations, political meddling and death squads.

/r/Economics Thread Parent Link - marketwatch.com