A week of FIRE spending

Wow, we spent a lot of money this past week. (Also, late to the game!)

The Basics:

Industry: Tech
Position: Software Engineer
Salary: ~$180k? (~$250k total)
What Banks do you use and Why: Chase, because it's everywhere. Schwab, because it's great for foreign travel. And a local credit union because it's a free account for us to do our food spending.
Savings: ~$20k in cash and $350k in retirement accounts.
Assets: ~$350k in housing equity (rental and primary)
Liabilities: Just mortgages, covered by rental income.
Age: 28.
Gender: F. (Married.)

Monthly Expenses: ~$5k

Mortgage: $900-ish
# of Roommates: Does husband count?
Utilities: ~$200/month
Heat/HW/Internet/Electricity: Included in utilities.
Cell Phone: $35
Spotify: None
Gym: None
Car Insurance: No car
Student Loans: None
Health Ins.: Deducted from paycheck. ~$150/month.
Transportation: $50 deducted from paycheck for bus pass, and whatever we spend on Uber/Lyft/deliveries
Car payment: None
Other expenses: Food/eating out: about $800, traveling: about $500, house, gifts, charity, etc.
Fun Money: $400/person/month

Sunday, May 29
We just came back from a two week long trip. Lunch at Gordon Biersh at the layover airport. $27.98

We hired an Uber to take us home (ride share). That cost $31.70. And because I've been feeling ill (first trimester of my pregnancy), we ordered some food through Postmates. I got basically free delivery since I had some credits. So that's $26.24 for lunch.

Then we had to get some food. So we did all the grocery store runs to restock the fridge. $137.67

Total: $223.59

Monday, May 30

Got my two weeks of mail, so had to pay the bills. This means a total of $1028.96 for my husband's chiropractor appointments for the last several months. (It's ok, we've reached our deductible now.)

Tuesday, May 31

I took a Lyft to my first ultrasound (yay baby heartbeat!), and a Lyft to work. And my husband Lyfted back home because he has a sprained toe. $52.86 (We don't have a car, and this is part of the calculated cost.)

Weekly housecleaner came today. $60

Oh, and a preordered ebook came out. $7.66 (I was really looking forward to it, but so far the book has been predictable and uninteresting--even for a mass market romance novel. :( I may have to stop reading this author altogether.)

Total: $120.52

Wednesday, June 1

Deposited some refunds. An overage from the dentist ($28.64) and duplicate insurance payment ($571).

Had to buy more groceries. $47.32

Went on Amazon and bought a Snoogle, since I've been having trouble sleeping. $58.63

I "made" ($493.69).

Thursday, June 2

Husband has chiropractor appointment, which is not accessible by bus. So going there and back, plus we shared a Lyft into work: $56.57

Friday, June 3

Nothing eventful happened. Managed to make it through work.

Saturday, June 4

Picked some strawberries out of our garden and ate it. I'm still not a fan of strawberries. My husband enjoys them.


We spent $935.95 total this week, which is definitely on the higher end.

We take home over $2k/week (after maxing out retirement savings). As mentioned, rental income covers mortgage. So we generally have a net positive every week.

Areas for improvement

Well, we definitely splurged on food this week, because I've been really sick (threw up twice this week) and mostly we're just taking it easy. We can definitely cut down on the grocery expenses. (We bought some really nice organic heirloom tomatoes, but they're pricy.)

Being car-free has been an interesting experiment. We expect the spending to be erratic but also less hassle (in some ways). So far, we've spent less by not owning a car and just renting/hiring one every time. Even so, we're probably going to buy a (fancy $30k) car at the end of the month, so that we can have an easier time turning around our rental properties.

/r/financialindependence Thread