Weekend thread 4

Stahlgewitter - Das wahre Deutschland

"We despise all their lies and reports, because behind us is Germany's thousand-year history. We will never forget it, therefore, let us travel today, in the time of valor, heroic struggle, steel, blood and iron.

With Hermann the Cherusker, in the German Army, for the liberator of Germania, against Rome with sword and spear. How many wars have been forced upon us Germans, many wanted to destroy us, none have ever succeeded.

The true Germany we want to see, where the victory flags wave. Although we are born too late, we are dedicated to you. The true Germany we want to see when the victory flags wave. Although we are born too late, we are dedicated to you.

With the Marshal forward for Prussia and nation, victorious in the battle of nations against Napoleon. Noble Knight Prinz Eugen, they had to flee before thee, you defeated the Turkish armies before our German Vienna.

The true Germany we want to see, where the victory flags wave. Although we are born too late, we are dedicated to you. The true Germany we want to see when the victory flags wave. Although we are born too late, we are dedicated to you.

For all times dedicated!

And then the torchlight march through the Brandenburg Gate, once parading with the guys in black in Nuremberg. With the hero of Narvik against the superior forces of the enemy, with the desert fox if need be until El Alamein.

The true Germany we want to see, where the victory flags wave. Although we are born too late, we are dedicated to you. The true Germany we want to see when the victory flags wave. Although we are born too late, we are dedicated to you.

The true Germany we want to see where the victory flags fly again. Maybe we're born too late, but we are sworn to you for all time. The true Germany we want to see where the victory flags fly again. Maybe we're born too late, but we are sworn to you for all time. The true Germany we want to see where the victory flags fly again."

/r/european Thread