Weekly “Help Me FIRE!” thread. Post your detailed information for highly specific advice - January 17, 2022

I‘m M in my early 40s, single. I’m about 80 pct I to my retirement goal. I was planning to work part time and coast fire this year.

Now I‘ve been offered a job that would let me save some 10-12 times my living expenses over the next three years. Practically adding 50 pct to my passive income.

The downside is, it‘s on the other side of the globe. Not a country to settle in. My biggest concern is, I was planning to settle down, find a partner, enjoy my free time, start a side hustle and so on.

In three years it will be still possible to do the spare time thing, but less so finding someone at my age (-5yrs or so) who still wants to start a family.

What you think?

/r/financialindependence Thread