Weekly Megathread 02/01/2018 | Ask Your FFRK-Related Questions here

I'm gonna try crystal tower. It will be my first, because i had a break, so i want to prepare myself. I'm thinking about these teams. Any tips/changes? (I have Ysh's wall and OK's phyUSB too, but didn't include it, because i guess i won't use them)

Vinuskar - Kuja (BSB), Maria (BSB), Eiko (BSB), Fusoya (atk+mag buff), Setzer (reverse wall)
Deathguise - Exdeath (SC), OK (BSB+mUSB), Kain(BSB), Garnet(mag+def buff SSB), Alphinaud(BSB)
Ultima weapon - Refia(BSB), Cid VII(Shout), Steiner/Thancred(fire BSB), Vanille/Yshtola(BSB), Fran (Full breakdown SSB)
Atlas - Tyro(wall), Yshtola/Vanille(BSB), Noctis(SSB+BSB), Tidus(OSB), Ramza(Shout)

Unused: Minwu (insta heal ssb), Ovelia (SSB+BSB), Aerith (USB), Rosa (BSB), Vaan (BSB) Cloud (BSB1), Lightning (USB+OSB), Raijin (BSB), Zidane (BSB1+BSB2), Fang (en-ele SSB+BSB1), Rikku (BSB), Dorgann (BSB), Serah (BSB1)

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