I [24M] can’t get over my ex [23F]. Life is terrible.

Those feelings you developed during the 2 month long relationship are considered infatuation. No one truly learns about another person until at least 6 months have passed. Infatuation is how we fall in love...everything is shiny, new, and amazing. They're the most beautiful being on god's green earth. You feel like you're dying when you're near them. Every time you think about them your brain pours in dopamine--just like heroin abuser feels like when they take their drug. This stage is to keep you in the relationship, fall in love, then after 6 months it calms down, you learn more flaws about them, and your body stops acting crazy. Your mind stops acting crazy.

It's hard to get over the infatuation because it's obsessive. All you want is to be with that person and don't care about anything else. You are full of hopes and dreams for a future with them. You never got to learn her flaws, you never saw that she was a real person who farts, poops, picks her nose, doesn't wash her feet and they smell constantly, screams and throws things when angry, hates sex--the list of possible incompatibility issues is endless.

You must remember that. The 2013 woman is not your fantasy, perfect princess--she is human with flaws. The proof is that she got scared away. If she WAS good for you, she would've found your attention flattering and understand your infatuation. She would've stayed to find out more about you. Instead, she chose to abandon any future with you because she was selfish and couldn't understand why a person would love so intensely so quickly. It proves that you would be more caring in the relationship and she would make you feel unloved. She wouldn't care to listen to you, because she's unable to see why you act the way you do.

Of course she seemed perfect those 2 months. Everyone does. She is obviously NOT perfect and you are worth more than those memories. You deserve to feel someone loves you as much as you love them. There are many women who can't be scared away by a loving attentive man--myself included. You deserve to be appreciated for this quality.

You are better than that 2013 moron woman will ever be. Go out and find the REAL woman of your dreams. This woman is waiting for you at this very moment, all you have to do is find her.

/r/relationships Thread