December 14, 2021 Daily Discussion Thread

I'm going to be the first to say it. Twitch is one of, if not, THE strongest 1 cost unit.

Lobby, 100 HP Board at 5-1, Twitch 2 vs Jhin 2, Twitch 2 vs 7 Innovator

So, don't get me wrong at all, there was a lot of stuff tipping the scales here. I decayed out of GM due to inactivity so I'm smurfing back up to GM so we can attribute some of this to a skill diff, the lobby was also hyper aggressive and thus everyone capped out quite low, I also rolled aggressively and levelled ahead of the entire lobby constantly to ensure my board was always strongest and I had pretty good augments IMO.

This all said, I kept Twitch 2 in till the very end just for science. I even hit an Urgot 2 and fed him to Tahm instead just because I felt I could win without the upgrade. Twitch 2 can carry you to stage 5 for absolutely no reason and I think A LOT of people are sleeping on Twitch. I see so many people stacking their Urgot items on Ezreal or Trundle and it just dumbfounds me how free Twitch is, he even gets Assassin 2 easily with Ekko whom fits naturally into the comp due to providing Scrap 2 with Trundle or Janna and also due to his ult being inherently synergistic with the comp.

Am I crazy or does Twitch with items massively outperform virtually every other 1 cost unit. He feels like an AD TF.

Not calling for a nerf or anything necessarily, just wanted to generate some discussion about something that I feel has flown silently under everyone's radar

/r/CompetitiveTFT Thread