シツモンデー: Weekly thread for the simple questions and posts that do not need their own thread (from May 18, 2020 to May 24, 2020)

(Genki 2) Please check my understanding for te kureru vs te morau

  • -te kureru: when someone does you a favor without you having to ask. you're lost at the train station, someone comes over and helps you.

Eg. えき で は、 しらない ひと が わたし に てつだって くれました

  • -te morau: when someone does you a favour, but you had to ask. you're lost at the train station, so you ask someone for directions, and they help you.

Eg. えき で わたし は しらない ひと に てつだって もらいました。

In addition, the other difference between the two is that

  • When using kureru, the the subject of the sentence is the giver.
  • When using morau, the subject of the sentence is the receiver.

And that's basically all I need to know about those two at this level (Genki 2), right?

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