Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don't need their own posts, and first time posters go here (May 17, 2022)



  • 1 Provide the CONTEXT of the grammar, vocabulary or sentence you are having trouble with as much as possible. Provide the sentence or paragraph that you saw it in. Make your questions as specific as possible.

X What is the difference between の and が ?

◯ I saw a book called 日本人の知らない日本語 , why is の used there instead of が ? (the answer)

  • 2 When asking for a translation or how to say something, it's best to try to attempt it yourself first, even if you are not confident about it. Or ask r/translator if you have no idea. We are also not here to do your homework for you.

X What does this mean? . ◯ I am having trouble with this part of this sentence from NHK Easy News. I think it means (attempt here), but I am not sure.

  • 3 Questions based on DeepL and Google Translate and other machine learning applications are discouraged, these are not beginner learning tools and often make mistakes.

  • 4 When asking about differences between words, try to explain the situations in which you've seen them or are trying to use them. If you just post a list of synonyms you got from looking something up in a E-J dictionary, people might be disinclined to answer your question because it's low-effort.

X What's the difference between 一致 同意 賛成 納得 合意? . ◯ Jisho says 一致 同意 賛成 納得 合意 all seem to mean "agreement". I'm trying to say something like "I completely agree with your opinion". Does 全く同感です。 work? Or is one of the other words better?

  • 5 It is always nice to (but not required to) try to search for the answer to something yourself first. Especially for beginner questions that are very broad. For example, asking about the difference between は and が .

  • 6 Remember that everyone answering questions here is an unpaid volunteer doing this out of the goodness of their own heart, so try to show appreciation and not be too presumptuous/defensive/offended if the answer you get isn't exactly what you wanted.


We are considering making rotating threads, and/or keeping meta-learning strategy posts to a stickied post. Feel free to let us know what you think about these ideas by replying to this post!

/r/LearnJapanese Thread