What about the opposite gender are you jealous of?

Dude here. I’ve been lifting weights for awhile, I’m pretty shit at it compared to other people who lift weights. So I’m 230lbs 5’10” and deadlift 345lbs. That’s actually pretty darn weak for someone who lifts, and I’m pretty fat. But compared to women I’m so much stronger than them and you can tell by looking at me. So I’m covered in tattoos like you wouldn’t believe and awkward as possible. And sometimes I can see that girls are afraid of me and it makes me feel terrible. I’ve never hurt, or even wronged, crossed whatever. I’ve never mistreated anybody in my entire life, I’d never hurt anybody. But like if I’m in a parking garage and see a girl alone or somewhere else that’s like a scary place for them. I got to go somewhere else until they leave. Because if they see me walking up towards them, I’ll scare the shit out of them... here’s something that’s been bothering me and I’m gonna put it here. Theirs this girl who I work with that I’ve been spending some of my breaks with for a few years. No romantic interest or anything, just casual work friends and that’s it. Well she’s talking about how she just moved and I asked what part of town she moved to, and she wouldn’t tell me. And at first I thought she was just bustin my balls somehow. So I asked again and she told me that she couldn’t tell me that. And I realized this girl I’ve known for years is afraid of me, like I was somehow going to use this information to attack her or something. So I never talked to her again and avoid her. It hurt my feelings really badly. I’m sure that just left an even worse impression but I can stand the thought of someone I know being afraid of me like that.

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