What are the arguments in favor of keeping energy (stamina) vs. not having it like in BR.

The challenge it gives me is organizing how and when I use my abilities. Ninja stars, dash, smoke, double jump. All have to be timed properly, can't just spam everything whenever you want... and I prefer it that way tbh. Stamina is a check of your coordination, CDs keep certain things from being overpowered.

Also, I've half-circumvented running with stamina. By jumping on an angle, releasing Shift and W but holding down A or D and timing the jumps and running again, I can keep "sprint jumping" across the map without using any stamina (but stop regaining stamina).

OR, I just build up stairs about 10-15 tiles, place a horizontal jump trap and fling myself in any direction I want (double jump allows me to cross the map this way)...

Not Quake...

/r/FORTnITE Thread