What are you proud of, but can't tell anyone who knows you?

I believe that if the child will be deformed enough to significantly effect their life in a negative way

Exactly my point... what counts as drastically effecting their life in a negative way? What arbitrary lines are you drawing? One might argue being born perfectly healthy but extremely poor drastically affects you far more than being born rich with something like down syndrome. Speaking of which...

Down Syndrome: Yes, absolutely.

You think it was wrong for Jamie Brewer's parents to give birth to her? She seems to be doing just fine. As are thousands of others with down syndrome.

You gave me only one realistic reason. The rest of them were thrown in to make it sound like I would abort any kid for any deviation.

See, this is the problem right here and it's sad that you don't notice it. You're drawing a very sharp line of demarcation in a very arbitrary place. People with down syndrome can live long, productive, happy lives. You have decided in some ass backwards appeal to morality that their lives aren't worth living.

The best part, is that you then act like it's ridiculous that you would consider other things like dwarfism. When you literally just said that you would abort all babies with down syndrome in the previous sentence. And you followed it up with "If my child was going to be born with this defect, I'd have to think about this one." So clearly there were at least 2 realistic reasons, no?

I don't know if you're a troll, or young and trying to be funny, but either way I sincerely hope you think about what you're saying. It's not edgy, it's not smart, it's not impressive. You are not just "extremely logical" or whatever sense of self you're appealing to that makes you post these things. You are flat out wrong and it's disgusting.

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