What are your dragonflower projects?

So far:

-Nowi at +7: One of my favorites, and one of my most useful too. Gonna max her, but might improve a few others first now since her next cost is super inflated.

-Eir at +4: Probably one of the most important to AR. Will leave her here, as last one gives DEF.

-Aversa at +1: Plan on +3'ing her next.

-Reinhardt at +2: Gonna stay her. Just wanted that ATK.

-Black Knight at +2: My favorite, gonna +5 him.

Future ones I'll do:

-Fae: On my main teams and benefits from every stat.

-Loki: Wants that boost to HP, ATK, and SPD, will probably only +3.

-S! Micaiah: Wants that boost to ATK and RES, will probably only +3.

-Camilla: One of my favorites.

-Male Grima: He's going to be my first max merge 5 star exclusive, so yeah.

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