What are your favorite immersion/realism/survival mods?

I love RND, and prefer it to iNeed by a wide margin. However, iNeed is generally less picky and requires less setup/patching. Your choice, of course.

As for Frostfall...I don't know if I can recommend it anymore. After playing with it for the last couple years, what I've realized is that all it does is force me away from the north of the map. That part of the map isn't "special" in any way (more loot, harder enemies, etc). Why restrict the player from going there? (That's ultimately what it does)

On top of that, even with lots of gear and prep, I feel like I honestly can't spend more than a minute out there without starting to freeze to death, at least as a non-magic Sword + Board.

Other suggestions, mainly for realism (experience or gameplay):

Be warned that this does make parts of the game much harder and can make some situations feel "unfair" if you have the wrong combo of mods. For example, Requiem is heavily dependent on using all the resources that you have, but this mod makes that much harder to do in the middle of a fight.

This removes all combat music. While I like combat music, it lets you know when you've been attacked, which makes it almost impossible to get "surprised". I like this, makes it feel more real, at least to me. I would love "smarter combat music" but it's old, half-broken and just didn't work properly.

Not something I use much, but I figure it might be a touch of "realism" to expect that you wouldn't always get killed, seeing all the other prisoners and vampire cattle around Skyrim.

Occasionally there just won't be any music, so you just hear ambient stuff. I like it, wonderful touch.

Less hud - more realism.

Why should you know who lives in a house if you've never been there?

Makes sense, and a cool feature to have.

/r/skyrimmods Thread