What are your thoughts of Nationalism?

I have a very nuanced view on it. Nationalism to me means being competitive in a friendly manner and wanting your country to be the best, wanting to dominate in terms of economy, science, tech, education, healthcare, culture, etc but not militarily. Look at japan, whose cultural and economic nationalism (in part) made it one of the greatest countries today in many respects (not gender equality and press freedom and stuff like that though). America too.

I too get the general vibe here that westerners, western europeans especially, just don't really like their own country and would move out in a heartbeat. Western europeans feel that we should take care of the rest of the world and i do believe there is a certain degree of 'guilt', even though many deny it and even though i used to reject this notion. It's tough because we have a major history of colonialism and that is a major stain on our history, one that really bothers me a lot. That history has directly influenced our societies today.

I also believe (believed?) in every people having their own country, with a limited percentage of minorities, mainly for social and political reasons. This just made sense to me and i did not know it was such a horrible view to have as many people heavily criticize me for it. But colonized nations like the US, Canada and Australia are undoubtedly countries of mass immigration - no one but the actual indigenous really 'belong' there so i don't really care too much about their demographics.

Yet at the same time, i think (overt) nationalism is also kinda silly and you wouldn't find me waving the dutch flag during a football match or whatever. Also i don't worship the netherlands but i do love it here and i'm just grateful i live in a first world country with running water, electricity, internet, roads, etc. I just think our govt could do a lot better on some issues.

/r/europe Thread