Lucha Underground - Prince Puma sends Johnny Mundo through four tables! [S1]

Genuinely one of the best iron man matches of all time. The story told was brilliant and to top it off, it was just fun to watch. The 42 minutes went by so quickly!

The match was literally foreshadowed in episode 1 by Matt Striker mentioning how these two guys could go all night long (in the show's first main event). The episode title? Season 1, episode 32: "All Night Long".

According to someone at the tapings, they actually played the Lionel Richie song and it was a real party-like atmosphere. Even Mundo got the band to play during the match to count down time. I could not recommend this match enough to anyone.

And some more gifs if you haven't seen the show before:

/r/SquaredCircle Thread Link -