[Discussion] What finally motivated you to take action?

Back story time, I do apologize if it is a little long. I will try my best to offer a unique prospective.

My dad is an entrepreneur. He has a successful business and provides for our family well. We are a typical midwestern conservative middle-class American family.

He has always provided a job for me, and pays me over $10/hr. He taught me how to save my money and how to spend it properly. Because my parents had always had nice things, I thought that I could have nice things. And as a result, I spend more money then I should.

During my Junior year of high school, I started talking with the CEO of a regionally successful gas station/convenient store. He offered me a job and I was now making $9/hr. Still pretty good.

I'd always had a liking towards airplanes and decided my junior year of high school that I wanted to go into the field of aviation, specifically geared towards the flying side of it. People have always said, "Oh, piloting school is super expensive and really hard." Yes. Yes it is. They've also said, "Oh, pilots make lots of money. I wish I would have been a pilot." Well, I'm not experiencing that side of it yet so, thanks.

Well, I'm a Freshmen in college now, and I'm nearing the end of my first year. What have I learned? Well, for one, I don't drink alcohol and I certainly don't do drugs, but it is so hard for me to feel motivated. My job seems so far in the future, even though it's really only three years away, but when I hear that my friends are eating lunch in the cafeteria, I feel like that is more important than class. And then in class, it's so hard to feel motivated to do the work, and study, and so on, especially when they are general education classes that don't relate to my major.

So when do I get motivated? Well, I think about my future. I want to fly, and I want a nice house, and a nice car. I want to be able to have a sizable savings account, and then who knows what. What will I be motivated to do after that?

Basically, I'm going from having so much - to now - to planning a future with so big future expectations. And at first I thought I was motivated, but that motivation has really dried up, and I guess the only thing I'm burning on is my love for flying and a hope for a professional job.

Maybe motivation doesn't have to be all that complicated. I'm just trying to do the best at what will be my future.

/r/GetMotivated Thread