What areas of "lifestyle creep" have you consciously allowed to happen because it's hugely enjoyable, or adds enough to your quality of life to be worth the expense?

Before I was FIRE, I would rarely spend on tech gadgets even though I lived and worked in Silicon Valley. I was very focused on reaching FIRE and I tried and still try to live as a minimalist. I was probably the last of my friends to purchase a smart phone and held on the the Razor phone for as long as I could. Since last year after moving to the South, I've purchased a Tesla, an iRobot, iPad, AirPort Time Capsule AirPods, and an iWatch all within a year. I cannot believe the amazing benefits like fun, health, making life easier and organization, etc, of such items. Of course, I sometimes feel self conscience about having the Tesla (I agonized for several months about whether getting a Tesla was compatible with living as a minimalist.) as I live in an area where there are not many Teslas, maybe I see one a week, and I live in a middle class neighborhood where there are few luxury cars.

/r/financialindependence Thread