What is the best compliment you have ever received?

"wait, you talk to her? how do you even know her? you're friends with EVERYONE" - coworker/friend

i hadn't really thought about it.. but I really am friends with every single group at work (and theres like 400 people, and i've talked to/hung out with at least half). my coworker/friend was super surprised when she walked into us (my new coworker friend) coming back from coffee. i met the new girl in the cafeteria and we just started talking about our experiences backpacking thru europe and we continued the conversation over coffee.

turns out she was the new CFO.

anyway.. my coworker was telling me how i had a real knack for connecting with people and making friends. which is a huge deal because (she doesn't believe me), i never really had friends growing up. i was always alone during lunch, i was always alone thru college, and i never really hung out with anyone aside from my girlfriends (serial monogamist).

it wasn't until i graduated college and was single for the first time that i actually started making friends and i always felt super socially awkward. so it was a huge compliment.

/r/AskReddit Thread