What decisions/statements has Trump made that you disagree with?

 trumps actions have definitely harmed innocent minorities.

I'm just talking about him as President.

Do you remember the time he took out a full page ad in the newspaper calling for the death of 5 innocent black/hispanic kids?

(1) He can't see the mother fucking future to know they would be found innocent. (2) There isn't a god damn thing wrong with a private citizen championing justice which does include the death penalty. Not a single fucking time did he call for them to be killed outside of the law. (3) His first ad didn't even mention them. (4) This was coming after a massive crime wave and this major barbaric public atrocity in his beloved home city was the last straw (5) Them being minorities had no part in his anger towards them. Him believing them to be gang rapist is the reason which is perfectly fucking reasonable. If you don't hate & wish death upon gang rapist your human garbage.

 Or the time he settled on a lawsuit for refusing to rent to minorities?

50 fucking years ago and having to choose a different hotel doesn't harm anyone. And you have no idea what other factors played into his choices, what recent crimes by blacks happened in the area that may have made him genuinely concerned for the safety of his tenets.

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