What do you do to cope with loneliness?

Hey there. I don't know you, probably never will. Feels really strange giving advice to a stranger who's probably half way across the world. And still, I can tell you, I've been there. Loneliness is the greatest of all bitches in life, along with isolation. But fear not. There's always a way out of it, and it's not as serious as it seems. It's just a feeling. IMO, the greatest thing you can do to overcome loneliness is joining a group of people with an interest in common good, like community service or charity. When you develop a genuine interest for the one in need, what comes back to you is just priceless. Plus, you get to know genuine friends along the way. People with the purest form of love out there: a desire of wellbeing to anyone around them. It's probably too complex to sum it all within a single comment, mainly because personal development is a process that takes a lot of time, contrary to this world standard of immediacy... But it's a great start. A little therapy can help, too, as long as I doesn't turn into an endless loop of catharsis sessions without a real will of change... And of course, reassessing what people are around you is also another thing to consider.

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