What does RP think of this sort of mentality?

Uh what is angry about not wanting obese women? Promiscuous women? Masculine women? That's just common sense at play.

Look, maybe you've never lived outside major cities in America. Maybe you haven't lived overseas. But there's a statistical truth I have to lay down here American people are fatter than almost any other nation on Earth. That includes the women. American women have a really bad reputation abroad for being easy, masculine and generally just undesirable. Especially in Europe. It's not an entirely fair stereotype, but it is what it is. I lived abroad for many years, and let me tell you there is a certain truth to the fact that [Roosh[(http://www.rooshv.com/the-decline-of-american-women), Return of Kings and Return of Kings again

I am genuinely sorry you all were born in the west, and perhaps you lack the education or socio-economic means to escape it. By RedPill's standards, I suppose I am higher SMV than average. Top 5% income, I do work out frequently and I have lived abroad. But if you knew me in real life you wouldn't think much, I'm a typical software engineer guy.

I've been to Asia, Europe briefly and dated women from around the world. Let me tell you American women really are that bad. No it isn't ALL western women, but yeah it is most of them. American women, aside from a few that came from the coasts, go abroad and are usually horridly received by the locals. One Japanese guy asked me in a club, in Japanese, "What's up with this fat bitch?" that kept trying to dance with everyone while drunk and bitching about patriarchy in Japan. She complained loudly all night about how Japan was racist, sexist and everything else under the sun. Meanwhile I drank overpriced water most of the night on the company dime. Left with 8 phone numbers -- it was an off night. Just being a well-dressed white American in Tokyo was enough to raise my SMV, and would work for anyone. The American woman on the other hand returned home, mostly destitute, bitter, still obese and disillusioned. Tokyo had exposed her big fat self-entitlement complex for precisely what it was. She went home and lost the weight, and now found a Japanese husband.

Long story short? Yeah, some American women need the tough love. Some American men do too. That's what red pill is for, my friend. It's the harsh reality, the bacon in the refrigerator from last week, the voice of all frustrated chumps crying out in anger that they want some puss-puss.

Now let me quote a former top post on here:

American women have become, on the whole, fatter and more loose since I left for Japan 9 years ago.

American men have become boring, pathetic and insecure. America simply has just become the most beta, blue pill nation of blind followers the world has ever known.

No longer the land of the free or home of the brave... America today is the land of wannabe thugs, government freeloaders, beta providers, pedestalizing chumps, complainers, chronic whiners, perpetual victims and seekers of the easy way out.

Here in America, if a girl is eating a piece of cake men will use it as an opportunity to express their interest in her. We encourage women to remain fat by liking all of their insipid, self-aggrandizing Facebook photos and overloading them with messages online. We encourage women to maintain their bad behavior by dishing out no punishment for it, but rather rewarding it.

American men have allowed women to walk all over us.

TL;DR: In the words of another forum, not even mad bro. Some American women are wife material, most are not. Most American men are also becoming socialized to be fedora-wearing weak little manlets that talk about their "feelings".

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