What does your seraphine collection look like? Here is mine

Graceful phoenix seraphine icon is a chroma icon during an event for 300 tokens. I think it was part of the lunar revel event but I’m not 100% sure which event exactly.

The chibi kda icon was from buying the seraphine figure on the riot merch store but it’s currently unavailable. (I bought it just for the icon hehe)

The kda superstar icon next to indie is by finishing all of her missions included in the ultimate so you should have this once you complete it.

The icon next to kda indie is the twitch drop seraphine icon that was obtained through drops on twitch by watching streamers during an esports event (I don’t remember which one but I think it was worlds?) they made this obtainable twice but I don’t think you can get this anymore.

/r/SeraphineMains Thread Parent Link - reddit.com