What features do you want to see added to the next generation of Litter Robot?

  • Slightly tighter mesh plastic grate that sifts the litter better!
    • I can't go one week without poop kernels collecting throughout my litter since it just can't sift them out - dried kernels still fall through the grate every cycle as if it's clean litter.
    • The amount of issues posted here (and we've personally experienced) is simply not up to snuff for the price-point of this device. I really hope any future releases will nip this in the bud.
  • Deeper/Wider Cavern for the litter basin itself ("Introducing.... LR5 and the LR5 XL!")
    • Those of us with larger and long-haired cats have trouble with them "fitting" inside. Sure, they're still able to go. But their body rubs all over the globe's interior and I find myself sometimes petting my cat and wiping away litter on their fur at the same time... If there was an XL option for owners with larger cats and the floor space, I think it'd do well! Additionally, confused cats who still face the interior when using the litter box wouldn't have to press their face against the interior of the globe while using it.
  • Have the cycle run based on WEIGHT not sensor activation!
    • I can't tell you the number of times my curious kitty has put their face inside the globe just to see it turn without actually stepping inside to go potty. Shifting this activation would also prevent a lot of false notifications.
  • Deeper/Wider waste drawer!
    • Others have covered this pretty well. But I can't go four days without having to change the bag for my two cats. You'd have a lot more interest from buyers who travel for work if they're able to get through the week without needing a bag change.

These are all problems I've experienced as a seasoned owner of the LR4. I'm rooting for Whisker and want you guys to succeed! However, you're clearly asking this question because you also realize there's room for improvement. Looking forward to seeing it in the end!

/r/litterrobot Thread