What is the greatest song of all time?

Yeah i love the beatles (who dosent) But those were just examples

  1. Production - like i said the production is good but there have been good production songs year before it.

So it doesn't really make sense when you use it as a point.

Like i said On Bcause by the Beatles, they had overlayed harmoneis as well

As someone who produces songs as a hobby i dont get the point about "groundwork for years to come"

Like I said, everything that has been done in this song was done before.

2.lyrics Sure the lyrics are nice but I could point you to multiple songs that have the same or better level of lyrics (one written by actual poet) that came before it , and explored the same ideas.

And are you trying to say modern music is bad with this?

Some jibberish, but much more creative than the derivative shite we hear all the time.

Music arch - Dark side of the moon

-Release - 1972 - multiple songs over 6 minutes

Again this had been done before. Some pink floyd songs are really strange and id go even further to say The Doors aswell.

I will give you the opera thing

That seems unique to this song But i dont know what classical influnce you are talking about

And their were plenty of bands that fused styles before

Like i said i like the song and other Queen's songs

I just wanted to explain that almost everything (beside the opera) had been done before just as good if not better.

The way i see it Is just a soild rock opera, ballad with a differnt ending.

I mean just listen to the turnaround on Bohemian rhapsody at minute 3

Its almost identical to the turn arouns in the Beatles , a day in the life

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